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The third eye,
ajna chakra: Sun. January 19th,
2014, 3-6 p.m. at PRANA
Energies of the heart:
Sun. March 2nd, 2014, 3-6 p.m. at FOCUS
Pelvis / mooladhara chakra:
Sun. April 13th, 2014, 3-6 p.m. at PRANA
Pelvis / swadhistana chakra:
Sun. May 11th, 3-6 p.m. at FOCUS
Centre, middle/ manipura chakra:
Sat. June 7th, 3-6 p.m. at FOCUS
How to deal with aggression:
Sun. Oct. 5th, 2014, 4-7 p.m. at PRANA
Sat. Nov. 15th, 2014, 3-6 p.m. at FOCUS
Inner freedom:
Sun. Dec. 7th, 2014, 3-6 p.m. at PRANA
It's possible
to participate on your own or to come with your partner(s).
For women, men and transgender!
For beginners and people advanced in Contact Improvisation as well as
beginners and people advanced in Tantra.
Feel free to join the whole series of classes or just a few or just one.
The class is held in German and English.
ATTENTION: Four classes take place at PRANA Yoga-Studio and four at FOCUS!
Both studios are located in the 7th district in Vienna, quite close to
each other
Sun. January 19th, 2014, 3-6 p.m.:
The third eye, ajna chakra
We experience Ajna Chakra, the third eye, in the quality of intuition,
creativity and expression.
In ajna chakra sensual and emotional awareness as well as motor and intellect
get connected.
We activate the third eye through kundalini yoga exercises ( by Swami
Satyananda Saraswati) and get in touch and dance with others from that
Sun. March 2nd, 2014,, 3-6 p.m.,
3-6 p.m.: Energies of the heart
/ anahata chakra
In meditation, through mindful touch and dancing we find a connection
to the space of our heart and the energies of the heart. The space of
heart consists of both the anatomical and the energetical heart and comprises
the area of the chest and of the breasts. We listen to the space of our
heart, enabling us to dance and live connected to it.
Sun, April 13th, 2014, 3-6 p.m.: Pelvis
/ mooladhara chakra
We experience the 1st chkara, the root chakra, through a kundalini
yoga exercise (by Swami Satyananda Saraswati). In tantra, mooladhara chakra
is the seat of kundalini shakti (energy). Mooladhara chakra is the base,
from which higher realization might arise. Through conscious breathing,
through mindful touching and dancing we experience the pelvis and the
womb with their warmth, their fluids and energies.
Sun, May 11th, 3-6 p.m.: Pelvis
/ swadhistana chakra
We experience the 2nd chakra with Kundalini Yoga exercises (by
Swami Satyananda Saraswati). Through conscious breathing, through mindful
touching and dancing we experience the pelvis and the womb with their
warmth, their fluids and energies..
We use the energy of the 2nd chakra for dancing,, on your own or with
a partner. We use this energy for a spiritual experience.
Sat June 7th, 3-6 p.m.:
Centre, middle/ manipura chakra
We activate the navel chakra with Kundalini Yoga exercises (by
Swami Satyananda Saraswati). The centre of the body, is the place of vital
power. How do I move from the centre of my body? The relation of the centre
of my body to the centre of another body is quite important in dancing
contact improvisation.
Sun. Oct. 5th, 2014, 4-7 p.m.:
How to deal with aggression
Emotions are welcome to emerge. They might
be felt in their full intensity, without acting them out. If I am in a
flow and my body is open, each emotion - joy, anger, hatred, anxiety -
passes by after some time, like a wave reaching its trough after passing
its peak.
To use aggression as an activating strength, without hurting yourself
or others, is the ability we might gain.
Aggression addressed to me can be deflected or sent back to the aggressor.
The premise for that is to realize my own limits and boundaries and to
respect them with a loving eye or, if I want to, to transform them.
Sat. Nov. 15th, 2014, 3-6 p.m.:
Experiencing being one with the space around
us in dancing, we establish the foundation for feeling oneness with the
world and the universe. Dancing we transcend the limits of our ego, and
experience connectedness.
Sun. Dec. 7th, 2014, 3-6 p.m.: Inner
If I am detached inwardly and don't cling
to the moment, I can give all of myself to love and in that way experience
inner freedom. We practise inner freedom and surrender in our dancing.
If I have empathy with others and have realized that concepts and dogmas
that often seem so compelling, are, finally, replaceable, I am free.
30,- per class
On May 11th (Mother's Day) mothers
pay half of the price!
The classes are held in German and English.
PRANA Yoga-Studio, Mariahilferstraße
82, 2nd yard, 1rst floor, studio 1, 1070 Wien
January 19th, April 13th, Oct.
5th, and Dec. 7th
Neubaugasse 44 / staircase 2 / top 12, 1070 Wien
March 2nd, May 11th, June 7th
and Nov. 15th
T.: 0043-650-3197237

(*1970, AT) has been choreographer and performer since 1992 and has had
a tantric approach to life since 2004. She lives and teaches a fusion
of tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life. She
studied contemporary dance, theatre science, philosophy and history of
art. Her performances have been shown in Europe and NYC,
She has been involved with sensitizing
the body since 1990, and Contact Improvisation since 1991. She has training
in tantric full body massage (AnandaWave/Cologne) and also lomi lomi nui.
She was introduced to yin yang massage by Andro, has studied pelvic massage
by K. Ruby; she has been introduced to Kashmir tantrism and Kashmir yoga
of touch by Daniel Odier. She studied "Vijnana Bhairava Tantra" with Dr.
Bettina Bäumer. She is sexologist in education, she studies the sexultherapeutic
method Sexocorporel. In Vienna she has practiced tantric bodywork, wombhealing
and tantric coaching with focus on sexuality since 2006. She gives workshops
focusing on the fusion of Tantra and Contact Improvisation. Teacher at
ImpulsTanz Vienna and at Schwelle 7 in Berlin. Sabine Sonnenschein has
been teaching with the musician Günter Touschek since 2010. They organize
"Dance & Tantra New Year" in Vienna. She also works together
with Benno Enderlein (D) and Manuela Blanchard (CH).

Contact Improvisation (CI) was developed in the US in the 1970s.
CI is a form of contemporary dance, where two or more people are in improvised
movement while being in physical contact. Three-dimensional motions arise
through playing with weight, push, momentum and impulse.
There is space for sensing, for opening the senses, for play, for the
delight of the immediate, for surprise. Each motion emerges directly from
the joint flow of movement.
"Contact Improvisation is a dance in which two (or more) people touch
giving their physical weight as an exchange, as a form of communication.
It is organized by attention. Touch is the sensory foundation for this
giving. " (Nita Little in: ANOTHER POLITICS OF ATTENTION: Shifting
Self-Sense, Shifting Time, 2013)
"Contact improvisation
enables us to dance with a stranger without any need to arrange how to
do it before. It is moving without aim or plan. Being in touch with a
partner, sensing of both physical weights and devotion to the physical
forces allow a mutual freedom of moving freely physically and mentally".
(Steve Paxton)
Basic skills like falling, rolling, taking
weight, momentum and impuls in movement support freedom in expression
and in communication. The dances that occur range from small and tender
to big and acrobatically wild, depending on the moment, the actual encounter
and the experience.
It is a dance form for everybody, in which human beings with the most
diverse physical abilities meet each other on a common, equal ground to
explore the spectrum of movement between them.
MORE: http://ci.nspire.net/
Photo on the right:
ECITE Europaen Contact Improvisation Teachers Exchange 2012
Photos: (c) Robert John Peres, Günter Touschek, Christian Neher