
Deep Love - Tantra retreat
mystic intimacy for couples
Teacher: Sabine Sonnenschein (AT)
Assistants: Michael Elarius Hofer (AT) & Niko Deininger (AT)

May 20th-27th, 2019, Kardamyli, Peleponnes, GREECE
Start: May 20th 6:30 p.m.
End: May 27th 11 a.m.


We invite you to have a deep tantric experience with your partner. We invite you to dive in absolute love and true intimacy for couples on a wonderful site at the sea in Greece. In this retreat a safe space is created, to let you arrive inside yourself, in your body, your sensations, emotions and in your inner strength. In a clear way you will become aware of the female/male inside you. You realize how you are as a woman/man in this specific period of your life and what your concerns as a man or a woman are.  You will realize your higher self and your freedom in this week and meet your partner from that place of freedom.
We sensitize and open our bodies by tantric breathing practices and tantric massages. You will feel and cleanse your physical, energetic and emotional body. You will become aware of your heart. Your ability to love will be increased. Your (sexual) energy and life force will be nurtured und will flow freely, for your benefit and for the benefit of your partner. The more we are able to listen to each other and the clearer we communicate, the less misunderstandings occur and the more we can unite and become a superorganism together.
In meditations you will experience expansion into the space, unity of all inside you with all outside of you and unity with the universe.
In the nature and in the sea we will feel how we open ourselves, get wide and free. 
Free from everyday life, the retreat provides to meet your partner in a deeper way, to meet the true being of your partner and to experience mystic intimacy. In the retreat inner and outer cleansing takes place and it will be transforming for sure.
You do all intimate tantric practices with your partner!
The partner, with whom you  participate, can be your partner in life or just for the retreat!
Because of the small seize of our group ( 7 couples max.) we offer personal care and advice for you.

Sabine Sonnenschein Foto (c): Robert Peres

You experience in this retreat in an safe & sacred space:

<3 Meditations (samadhi of the space, tandava – mystic dance meditation, visualisations of Kashmiri tantrism) and dance at the beach

<3 Tantric breathing to open, sensitize the energy centres of the body and for energizing

<3 Directing of energy and energetic circuits in your own body or with your partner (for example to connect the space of the heart with the pelvis/sexual centre). In that way love energy will circulate through you as a couple.

<3 Control of ejaculation (become able to hold (sexual) energy and not losing it; having an ejaculation when ever you want).

<3 Kashmiri tantric massage (as taught by Daniel Odier)
Bring energies into the heart, so they will overflow from there. Give love, very healing massage through deep release and comfort. Belly breathing is the base; come into vibrating together through the breath.; spanda (vibration, divine  consciousness, awareness) erfahren; experience the whole body in a sensual, erotic way.

<3 Tantric massage of the palate (including soft palate), possibility to experience the throat chakra and thyroid in orgasmic pleasure and to feel the pleasure connection in your yoni at the same time. Devotion might take place.

<3 Practices, that evoke true and mystic intimacy; really see/recognize your partner, really be seen/ recognized by your partner
Rituals of purifying from negative experiences and freeing from shame, fear and guilt concerning sexuality.

<3 Cervix massage (sensitizing and healing; you might experience deep sexual pleasure in your uturus)

<3 Prostate massage (sensitizing, healing, for prevention; pleasure in the lingam and  prostate at the same time; pleasure deep in the inside of the pelvis; massage of pelvic floor and reduction of tension in the pelvic floor.)

<3 Feeling the female /male inside you and realizing your concerns as a woman / man in that period of your life.

<3 Conscious communication,
as necessary base of touching one another (when do you give in touching, when do you take in touching your partner? When are you receiving the touch and when are you allowing?)

The place of the retreat has view of the sea, we practice besides the pool.
Beaches: Rock beach with impressive grotto to dive in, sand beach; pebble beach in 20-30 minutes on feet from accommodation.

You can only participate in this retreat with a partner!
The partner, with whom you  participate, can be your partner in life or just for the retreat!

Couples living in a monogamous or polyamorous way are warmly welcome! You get supported in the retreat to define your form of relationship. The way we teach tantra we don’t favour a special form of relationship, but we have experience with different forms of relationship and their advantages and disadvantages.
It’s important to clear with your partner, how you and your partner want to live relationship and what relationship means to both of you. What means intimacy for you and your partner?
It’s important to know and tell your partner, what you want to experience in your sexuality. Clarify with your partner, what to experience together sexually.

You can fully focus on each other as a couple or be more in exchange with others.
Couples of the LGBTIQ-community are welcome!
Tantra experience is welcome, but not necessary for participation.

Limited in number, one-to-one session are offered by:
NIKO DEININGER (coaching, one-to-one or for the couple) &
MICHAEL ELARIUS HOFER (channeling, aura treatment)
As an additional offer, these sessions are not included in the costs for the retreat.
One-to-one sessions with
SABINE SONNENSCHEIN are offered before and after the retreat in Vienna or online: Sexualtherapeutic coaching for a couple or in a one-to-onesession.

The retreat is held in English and German.

COSTS: € 1193,- (accommodation & meals included)
Early bird price till March 15th, 2019: € 993,- (accommodation & meals included)

Niko Deininger

Photo on the left (c). Robert John Peres

The place of our retreat is in Kardamyli, Peloponnes, in Greece. The accommodation has 7 simple and clean double rooms, vegetarian food, a pool, a magical garden with places for resting and loving care on site. 

Look for a flight to Kalamata or Athens and take a rental car to Kardamyli. Costs of the flight around € 200/person, rental cars are very cheap at that time of the year. When you register, you receive more detailed information for travelling to make it easy and cheap for you to get there. There will be also a group on WhatsApp or facebook for the travelling.



Photo (c): Jesse Johnson


is clinical sexologist (sexualtherapeutic method Sexocorporel). She teaches tantra and dance.
She lives and teaches a fusion of a tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life.
She supports people to get aware of themselves, to sense their bodies and themselves and to have a healthy and blissful (sexual) life.
She has been teaching at international tantra as well as dance festivals, like Tantra Festival Ibiza, Tantra & Sexuality Festival Poland, Open Heart Festival at ZEGG close to Berlin, Touch & Play, Art of Sex Festival, Xplore, Contact Festival Freiburg, ImPulsTanz Vienna, Contact Festival Austria.
Often she combines tantra with the dance form contact improvisation, teaching internationally, especially in Vienna, Freiburg and France.
Since 11 years she is a student of Daniel Odier: Non-dual Kashmiri tantrism,  Kashmiri massage (yoga of touch). Studied "Vijnana Bhairava Tantra" with Dr. Bettina Bäumer (Varanasi).She has training in tantric full body massage (AnandaWave/Michaela Riedl/Cologne). She was introduced to yin yang massage by Andro, has studied pelvic massage by K. Ruby and lomi lomi. She made the physiotherapeutic training BM Balance (prevention and therapy of problems in the pelvis, bladder, prostate).
As a coach she works with sexualtherapeutic method Sexocorporel. She gives tantric bodywork and womb dialogues for women.  She is working together with Günter Touschek (AT), Benno Enderlein (DE), Manuela Blanchard (CH) and Déva Presence (Mexico). With FloZif (FR) she holds Tantra Experience Paris for women, lesbians and trans*.
She is freelance choreographer and dancer since 1992.



MICHAEL ELARIUS HOFER (meditation, channeling):

„As a child i already had a very good connection to the spirit world. As a teenage i got more sensitive and clairvoyant and was looking for the best teachers in energetic work, to learn to control these abilities. Since that, every day my life gets more beautiful and worth living. I’m looking forward to sharing a part of the path with you”.

  NIKO DEININGER (communication, organisation)

Since more than 25 years on the path of consciousness raising. These experiences have been essential:
Shamanism , tantric bodywork, union and adventure in nature with groups and as self-experience, consciousness coaching and consulting, group dynamics and team development.
Manager of the institute "Bewusst Sein im Fokus"




"Liebe Sabine,
Dir ganz grossen und herzlichen Dank. Ja es waren wirklich zwei wunderbare Wochenenden. Die Wirkung ist grandios und es arbeitet auch so schön nach. Ich vibriere immer noch im spanda :) 
Ich freue mich auf ganz bald dich wieder zu sehen!!!
Herzlichste Grüsse und namaste!!!
U. (weiblich, 51 Jahre)


"Hi Sabine and Christian,
The seminar was very good for me. Until yesterday, I thought I had learned enough but today was also great. I appreciate the build up exercises to the massage which I found to be very helpful in warming up and activating the chakras. It's been a renewal path for me for which I'm very grateful to you. Your teaching methods are also very great with lots of demos and active guidance during the practice exercises.
Thanks a lot again!
S. (male, 35 years old)


"liebe sabine, ich danke dir von herzen  für den "energetischen raum", den du durch deine bewusstheit und erfahrung angeboten hast. in mir hat eine verschmelzung von femininer und maskuliner energie stattgefunden - ich habe das tiefgreifende gefühl von einheit erfahren. wunderbar genährt gehe ich nun weiter. alles liebe, c."  
(C., weiblich, 48 J.)


„Es war wunderbar.“ 
(G., männlich, 62 J.)



"Liebe Sabine, (...)
danke immer wieder zutiefst für deine liebevolle achtsame Präsenz und dein Wirken… 
ich liebe dein wesen, das sich uns in voller präsenz, in seiner natürlichkeit und bewussten verkörperung zeigt, uns mit deiner achtsamkeit und hingabe tief berührt und öffnet, das vielseitige wissen in leichtigkeit wie durch blosses ausatmen darbietend, das durch jede bewegung, jede regung in ihrer wahrhaftigkeit und anmut, sinnlichkeit, kraft und sanftheit ein genussvolles wahrnehmen der schöpfung ermöglicht, das uns räume öffnet, wo verbundenheit und akzeptanz als natürlicher zustand erfahrbar werden, begrenzendes wie von selbst dahinschmilzt, unterschiedliche dimensionen sich mühelos durchdringen, berührungen auch jenseits des physischen fühlbar werden, sich das sein in wogen aus vertrauten und ebenso überraschenden energien geborgen, getragen und emporgehoben fühlt, . . . 
eine grosse Herzensumarmung, M."

M. (weiblich, 65 Jahre)


TANTRA EXPERIENCE VIENNA, Oktober 16th – 18th, 2015:

"Liebe Sabine,
ich möchte mich bei Dir und Flo für das tolle und für mich absolut spannende Seminar herzlich bedanken. Ihr ward großartig!!
Ich habe es sehr intensiv, spirituell und gleichzeitig sehr physisch erlebt. Vielleicht ist das mein erster Schritt auf dem Tantra Weg:
Ganz liebe Grüße"

U. (weiblich,49 Jahre)


Dear Sabine and Flo,

"....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Thank you for this weekend!
You both created such a warm and save place with us to explore such amazing and beautiful treasures. 
The way you build this up step by step little by little is very helpful and makes it easy to follow and move further.
I am deeeeeeeply touched and very grateful for this experience.
much love :-)
T. (female, 41 years old)


"Thanks again for a wonderful workshop this weekend!! 
I enjoyed it so much: dance, mediation and massage!! The massage was SO much more intimate than I'd ever imagined. An amazing experience <3
Much Love, E. "

E. (female, 34 years)


"Liebe Sabine,

Ich wollte mich den langen Reihen der Umarmungen und Rückmeldungen am Sonntag nicht mehr anschließen, aber ich möchte mich bei Dir bedanken für den schönen Begegnungsraum, den Du für uns aufgemacht hast. Für mich war es ein sehr stimmiger Bogen, in dem Du uns schrittweise zusammengeführt hast und ich habe mich wirklich noch nie in einer Gruppe so wohl gefühlt. Du hast mit wunderschönen Übungen dunkle Stimmungswolken verscheucht oder uns Ausdrucksräume für Emotionen gegeben und ich habe es sehr bewundert, wie Du uns alle in einer Schlussrunde gelandet hast, bei der eigentlich jedeR mindestens ein Geschenk mitgenommen hatte, obwohl wir in der Früh teilweise noch erschöpft oder düster gestimmt waren. 

Ich war sehr beeindruckt von der Unterschiedlichkeit der Begegnungen und habe viel über mich und meine verschiedenen Möglichkeiten mit jemandem in Kontakt zu sein gelernt. Ich kann besser in der Berührung hinhören und bin noch immer am Staunen darüber, dass man mit jemandem über den Energieraum dazwischen aus der Distanz in Kommunikation sein kann. Ich weiß noch nicht richtig wie ich das mit meiner Chi - Faszien - Theorie in Einklang bringen soll, aber es ist das unglaublichste Gefühl, darum denke ich über die naturwissenschaftliche Einordnung im Moment nicht nach. 

Über die Positionenwechsel in der Massage hätte ich gerne mehr gelernt bzw sie im Trockentraining vorher einmal geübt, weil es einen sehr großen Unterschied macht, ob man jemanden sicher und beschützend in die andere Position führt, mit der Möglichkeit sich anzuvertrauen und dabei zu entspannen oder ob man logistisch überfordert herumzieht und eben kein geschütztes Gefühl vermittelt. Es war trotzdem alles gut, aber das war etwas das ich mir gewünscht hätte von vornherein besser zu können.

Vielen Dank für diese erlebnisreichen, lebendigen und wunderschönen Tage, die noch in mir nachwirken und Kreise ziehen und dafür, dass Du soviele nette Menschen an einem Fleck versammelt hast!

Alles Liebe, A."

A. (weiblich, 40 Jahre)


"Liebe Sabine, danke für die schönen Momente, die du ermöglicht hast. Bin heute gesund und munter und noch immer beflügelt von der Massage: Alles Liebe, M."
M. (weiblich, 36)



"vielen dank noch mal für deine unglaublich berührende art. ich hab das gefühl einer meiner wichtigen lebenslehrerinnen in dir begegnet zu sein:)
danke für deine achtsamkeit!"

N. (weiblich, 30 Jahre, Juli 2013)


"Hi Sabine
How are you?
I'm writing to tell you that this experience with contact and tantra was very very important and beautiful for me, and changing my life. Also the dance, but mainly the work with chakra and breath.
For sure I'll participate to other workshops, please continue to informing me". 

C. (female, 28 years old, 2014)


"Nachträglich möchte ich dir noch sagen, dass es mir sehr gut gefallen hat, es war sehr aufregend und auch schön für mich. Zeitweise habe ich über die Räume, die sich geöffnet haben, nur so gestaunt oder mich wir ein kleines Kind gefreut".
M., (männlich, 40 J., Juli 2013)
